Group Piano Lessons are now available at Schools

Group piano lessons:

Art of Piano Playing Music School is happy to announce that now we are providing Group Piano Lessons at Elementary, Catholic, Private schools and Day Care Centers in New York City and Long Island NY.

Group Piano Classes benefits:

It is a great opportunity to determine musical interest and aptitude; develop piano-playing skills and fundamentals. It is also an excellent musical foundation for young students who may not yet have developed the maturity needed to fully benefit from private piano lessons. Group Piano Lessons also help to develop memory and logical-thinking skills which help overall school performance. Students are able to play duet and group pieces, helping develop social skills.

group piano lessonsGroup Piano Lessons are a part of After School program with an option for students to enroll every semester. The same age and skill level children are grouped together into small groups. At the end of each semester piano instructors invite parents to Open Classes where children demonstrate what they learned. Activities vary from rhythm exercises, to ear training, listening, notation and piano playing.


Children from Group Piano Lessons are invited to perform at our semi-annual recitals held

group piano lessons

in Manhattan: This is Justin with his Group Piano Class teacher Evgeni. Justin is performing “Old McDonald”. It was obvious to the audience that Justin was concert ready, knowing his piece well enough to show great skill!


Group Piano Lessons prove that children enjoy learning in a fun atmosphere. Friendships develop, and the joy of sharing music is experienced!